
Supporting mental health of NHS workers content Dr Johannes De Kock in a park or garden

Supporting mental health of NHS workers

Researchers awarded funding to lead a new project launched to support the mental health of frontline workers during the Coronavirus crisis.

New digital mental health support service content Big White Wall

New digital mental health support service

Both students and staff are given access to a digital mental health support service which is available online, 24/7.

The Environmental Research Institute's birthday content Group of people standing in front of the Environmental Research Institute sign

The Environmental Research Institute's birthday

North Highland College UHI celebrates the opening of the institute 20 years ago.

Scottish universities show creative resilience content A person with a computer on a table, a number of people on the screen

Scottish universities show creative resilience

Universities across Scotland come together to produce a trailblazing digital programme for students studying in creative programmes.

 < April | Facts & figuresJune >