Academic council and committees
Court delegates many of its academic responsibilities to academic council.
These responsibilities include:
- overseeing academic development
- developing academic policy, including research policy
- developing our academic and research community of staff and students
- assurance of academic standards and quality improvement
Academic council, in turn, devolves many of its detailed responsibilities to specialised committees. Current academic committees are:
Quality assurance and enhancement committee
The quality assurance and enhancement committee is responsible for monitoring all activity being reported to academic council through the subcommittee, faculty and practitioner group structures.
Academic titles review board
The academic titles review board is responsible for the award of academic titles.
Comataidh Ghàidhlig
The comataidh Ghàidhlig is responsible for the development and enhancement of the Gaelic language, culture and heritage in the university.
External partnerships steering committee
The external partnerships steering committee is responsible for formulating policy and practice in relation to collaborative provision and partnerships with external institutions, agents and other bodies in the UK and overseas in accordance with agreed university strategies. It is responsible for monitoring the quality assurance and enhancement of collaborative arrangements.
Research committee
The research committee develops and promotes strategy for research, knowledge transfer and commercialisation. It also audits, monitors the quality and compliance of research.
Research degrees committee
The research degrees sub-committee oversees the registration, support, progression and examination of research students.
Research ethics committee
The research ethics committee is responsible for reviewing research undertaken by staff and students involving human participants, data or material. It is tasked with approving proposed studies before data collection starts and of monitoring the progress of research to ensure compliance with approved ethics procedures.
For more information about any of the academic committees, please contact Tara Black or see our academic standard and quality regulations.