Honours degree classification - regulations applicable from 2018-19
From 2018-19 onwards, the university will apply the following regulations for Honours degree classifications:
- Students will be awarded a first class honours degree if they achieve an average (mean) mark of 70% or more across all SCQF Level 10 credits.
- Students will be awarded an upper second class honours degree if they achieve an average (mean) mark between 60-69% across all SCQF Level 10 credits.
- Students will be awarded a lower second class honours degree if they achieve an average (mean) mark between 50-59% across all SCQF Level 10 credits.
- Students will be awarded a third class honours degree if they achieve an average (mean) mark between 40-49% across all SCQF Level 10 credits.
Each student’s average (mean) mark is rounded to the nearest whole number, and this will determine their final classification.
See Academic regulations webpage for more information.
How is this different from the previous regulations?
Final classifications will now be calculated solely on the average (mean) mark of all SCQF level 10 credits.
Previously there were three criteria relating to: the student’s average mark; achievement in the dissertation specifically; and achievement in reaching a minimum threshold in all SCQF level 10 credits.
Why has the university changed its regulations?
The new regulations are a simpler and more transparent way of calculating Honours degree classifications. They continue to recognise student performance fairly and consistently, and remain aligned with national expectations. For the majority of students, the new regulations will result in the same final degree classification as the previous regulations would have done.
Who will be affected by the change?
These regulations will apply to all undergraduate degree students who start their final level in 2018-19 or after.
Endorsement from HISA:
HISA are delighted to have been involved in the consultation around changes to Honours Degree classification regulations. HISA was represented on the university working group, and HISA’s Executive Committee (consisting of all our officers), voted to endorse the proposed changes. We believe that the changes being implemented (in 2018-19) are in the best interests of the students of UHI.
If anyone would like to get in contact to discuss the changes, please email hisa.vphe@uhi.ac.uk
FAQs and further information on the rationale and change process.