Upskilling Adventure Tourism Businesses


Driven, to a large degree, by the Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research’s participation in the Slow Adventure in Northern Territories project, two projects were developed to help tourism businesses address potential gaps in consumer ‘soft’ skills, digital marketing, and product development.

Both funded through the ERASMUS+ programme, the projects involve partners from as far afield as Iceland, Estonia and Bulgaria.  The ADVENT project (Adventure Tourism Vocational Education and Training) has seen a suite of three-day modules developed on innovative subjects: 'adventure therapy', 'coastal interpretation' and 'storytelling through digital media', for example.   

AVIP (Adventure Tourism Innovation Partnerships) has taken a different approach, developing short online modules that address either product development and innovation or digital tourism.  These modules are designed to address either current needs, such as business plan development or creation a digital marketing campaign, as well as addressing interest in cutting-edge technology, from drones to augmented reality.