Enhancement and STEP


As part of the Scotland wide new Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF) Universities and Colleges are required by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to deliver cross sector collaborative projects based around identified enhancement themes. Enhancement themes run for 4 years and are delivered through the STEP (Scotland’s Tertiary Enhancement Project) Network, supported by Quality Assurance Agency Scotland (QAA), the organisation charged by SFC to deliver the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER). 

The STEP theme 2024–2028 is ‘Supporting Diverse Learner Journeys’. Each UHI academic partner has been invited by QAA Scotland to provide staff and student representation on the STEP Network and will be engaged with the STEP programme to deliver projects to address areas for enhancement based on the results of quality monitoring including student feedback, and alignment with UHI and academic partner strategies including the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy.

During the various projects there may be opportunities for engagement or consultation. STEP project details, updates and Outcome reports will be published here.