Funding support


The Learning and Teaching Academy oversees a range of funding streams and support to help colleagues to develop their professional practice and engage in research.  


Leadership development funding content Colourful board game pieces

Leadership development funding

Advance HE Aurora Leadership Development Programme

Aurora is Advance HE’s leadership development programme for those identifying as women.  Engagement in the programme is a part of the LTA's approach to building collaborative and supportive networks of colleagues focusing on leadership development.

Since 2018, the University has supported a number of colleagues to participate in this highly acclaimed leadership programme.  Current and previous participants continue their leadership development through presenting at the University's international women's day annual celebrations, mentoring, action learning sets and professional development and recognition opportunities. 

Applications for the 2021/22 Aurora Programme are now open

Research content An open book with pages in the shape of a heart


The LTA Scholarship Fund provides funding for individuals or teams of university staff to undertake research or evaluation in education-related topics.

Applications for 2020/21 are now closed

University staff development fund content A tree in a field

University staff development fund

The university staff development fund is managed by the Learning and Teaching Academy (LTA) in close partnership with colleagues responsible for staff development in academic partner colleges and executive office. The fund supplements approved contributions made towards accredited programmes of study by an academic partner college or executive office department. Funding decisions are made by the Staff Development Fund Review Panel which meets regularly during the academic year.  

The research staff conference fund supports colleagues attending research conferences. The fund is managed by the university research office.