Students awarded scholarships to study in Moray

Two students have received scholarships to support their studies at Moray College UHI. The University of the Highlands and Islands awarded Forsyths Undergraduate Scholarships to John Strachan (28) from Lossiemouth and Piotr Nowinski (23) from Elgin to help them undertake HNDs in engineering systems.
The scholarships were made possible by a donation from Forsyths Ltd, a Rothes-based fabrication firm which manufactures equipment for the oil and gas and distilling industries. The company’s support provides John and Piotr with £1250 a year to help with the costs of attending university. John and Piotr were selected for their academic potential and it is hoped they will go on to complete the university’s electrical and mechanical engineering BEng degree.
Forsyths’ managing director, Richard E Forsyth, said: “The lifeblood of our company and indeed our industry is the development of enthusiastic and talented individuals from our schools, colleges and universities. Forsyths is proud to help John and Piotr in attaining their academic goals and subsequent career progression.”
John was delighted to be awarded the scholarship. He said: “When I received the notice of being chosen, I literally jumped out my chair. I feel very grateful to Forsyths and Moray College UHI for this opportunity and have even been able to take on extra classes with the scholarship’s funds to help further my education as far as possible. I’m now looking forward more than ever to enjoying my time at university and ultimately progressing to a career in mechanical engineering.”
Piotr said: “The Abraham Lincoln quote - “The best way to predict the future is to create it’’ - reflects how I feel. The scholarship will help me to go further with my future and give me better opportunities.”
Professor Clive Mulholland, principal and vice-chancellor of the university, said: “The university is exceptionally grateful for the generous support of organisations like Forsyths. Their assistance helps to ensure that talented students are given every chance to reach their potential. Students are at the heart of what we do and we want to support them to achieve as much as they can.”
Forsyths Undergraduate Scholarships were developed to support talented individuals in mechanical and electrical engineering at the University of the Highlands and Islands. They will enable John and Piotr to progress their studies in this field with the university at Moray College UHI.
The scholarships were made possible thanks to donations to the University of the Highlands and Islands Development Trust, a registered charity which raises money in support of the university and its students. The Trust launched Scotland’s first crowd-funded scholarship programme in September with the aim of encouraging and supporting local talent and securing the area’s future economy. To find out more about the University of the Highlands and Islands Development Trust visit