Abbreviation | |
AP | Academic Partners |
D | Deliverable |
DOW | Grant Agreement Annex 1 (Description of Work) |
EC | European Commission |
ERI | Environmental Research Institute, UHI |
EO | Executive Office, UHI |
EP | European Partners |
FP7 | European Seventh Framework Programme |
GA | Grant Agreement |
IMR | Internal Management Report |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights |
LCC | Lews Castle College, UHI |
MMT | MERIKA Management Team |
PAO | MERIKA Project Administration Officer |
PKEIM | MERIKA Project Knowledge Exchange and Innovation Manager |
PM | Person Month |
PO | MERIKA Project Office |
PSC | Project Steering Committee |
QPR | Quarterly Progress Report |
QMP | Quality Management Process |
SAB | Scientific Advisory Board |
SAMS | Scottish Association for Marine Science, UHI |
TSG | Technical Steering Group |
UHI | University of the Highlands and Islands |
WP | Work Package |