Alumni Connections


'I greatly enjoyed my time with UHI. The flexibility and exceptionally supportive environment gave me the opportunity to grow and develop both personally and academically. The variety of expertise and engagement offered by both the lecturers and staff gave me the confidence and ability to pursue History further, in ways I never thought possible.' - Caitlin Jackson, History BA (2022)


We are always thrilled to hear from our students and graduates, and follow their journeys after UHI with great interest!

We are also very fortunate that our alumni are incredibly active and eager to stay engaged with the UHI Centre for History. Recently the projects involving our alumni community have included mentoring current students who are considering their next steps and also delivering workshops to help identify transferable skills gained through the study of History. You can read more from our brilliant alumni mentors on our recent post, History Skills - Out in the World.

If you would like to become an alumni mentor, or alternatively if you would like to provide a short testimony about your time with UHI Centre for History, please fill in the form below.   

Remember that you can also find more information about the wider UHI alumni community and benefits, and update your details through the UHI Alumni Engagement


Group of UHI graduates clad in black gowns and purple hoods walking along a street with shop signs and shopfronts on show


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