Inverness Campus Student Meet Ups
One of our brilliant Student Reps, fourth year History and Literature BA (Hons) student Rebekah Mackinnon, has coordinated a regular meet up for History students at Inverness Campus. We caught up with her to learn more!
Rebekah explained that the meet ups will provide Inverness Campus students a casual, social space to meet other History students in person and express any thoughts or feelings about the degree away from the classroom environment. ‘At our first session on 15 November, we discussed how to reference and read articles, sharing useful tips like changing the screen colour to night mode, using read-aloud features and highlighting articles whilst reading them’, Rebekah added.
The aim for these meetings is to provide both the opportunity for casual chats with peers but also for relaxed study sessions where students can motivate each other and informally discuss any questions they may have about assessments and modules.
‘I began organising the in-person meetings because I think it will help students feel more connected to the UHI campus and help continue to foster a History student community’, Rebekah explained. ‘I firmly believe that History degrees at UHI can be as sociable in person as they are online, even with an online based structure. I’m looking forward to seeing where the bi-weekly meetings will take us, and I hope for them to continue after I finish fourth year, for other students to meetup and enjoy.'
The meet ups are for History students in Inverness, and the group meets on the UHI Inverness Campus, at the Learning Resource Centre on the second floor between 3-5pm, every second Tuesday. The next meeting on 13 December will most likely be a social event in Inverness city centre, to mark the end of semester 1 and the festive season.
If you are a current Centre for History student and would like to attend the Inverness student meet ups or alternatively, run a meet up session at your UHI partner College, you can contact for further details and assistance.