Dr Louisa Taylor

Biography content


Lecturer in History at the University of the Highlands and Islands.

Co-Programme Leader (Postgraduate Taught)

email: louisa.taylor@uhi.ac.uk


Dr Louisa Taylor


Dr Taylor specialises in the study of elite culture in high medieval England, Scandinavia and Iceland using comparative approaches. She has worked on a diverse range of topics, including kingship, treason, elite behavioural ideals and norms, the use of violence, civil war, and clerical armsbearing. Dr Taylor completed a PhD at University College London entitled ‘Moderation and Restraint in the North: Ideals of Elite Conduct in High Medieval England, Norway and Denmark.’ From May 2017 until May 2019, she was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oslo working on the topic of civil wars. Before joining the University of the Highlands and Islands, she was a Lecturer in Medieval History at Aberystwyth University. 

Publications content



Edited Books

  • Simon Lebouteiller, Louisa Taylor (eds), Peacemaking and the Restraint of Violence in High Medieval Europe (Routledge, 2023)

Articles and Book Chapters

  • “Law, Ritual, and Punishment: The Consequences of Making War against the King in High Medieval England and Norway.” The Mediaeval Journal 11, no. 2 (2021): 149–79.
  • Bishops, War and Canon Law: The military activities of prelates in high medieval Norway, Scandinavian Journal of History, Vol. 45.3 (2020), pp. 263-285.
  • ‘Moderation and restraint during conflict as ideal elite behavior in high medieval Scandinavia and Iceland,’ in Nordic Elites in Transformation, c.1050-1250. Vol III: Legitimacy and Glory, ed. by. Wojtek Jezierski, Kim Esmark, Hans Jacob Orning & Jón Viðar Sigurðsson (Abingdon: Routledge, 2021), pp.205-221.
  • ‘The treatment of defeated kings in high medieval England and Norway: A comparative study,’ in Middelalder. Krig og konflikt, 1100-1300, ed. by Knut Arstad. (Oslo: Forsvarsmuseets småskrift, 2019), pp.113-140
  • ‘Granting grið, Mercy and Peace: The Treatment of Opponents in War in eleventh- to thirteenth-century Norway and Denmark’, in Illuminating the North: Proceedings from the Nordic Research Network Conference 2013, ed. by Agnes Broomé, Pei-Sze Chow, Nichola Smalley, Louisa Taylor and Essi Viitanen (London: Norvik Press, 2014)