Faroes Shetland Research Symposium

Introduction content


The Faroese Shetland Research Symposia are the result of discussions between colleagues from the INS UHI Shetland, and the Fróðskaparsetur Føroya. Shetland and the Faroe Islands might speak different languages today, but they share history, cultural heritage and geographical proximity.

These symposia will help cement connections between the two neighbouring archipelagos, sharing expertise and research. It is hoped that this connection will lead to joint research projects in future, bringing the two institutions even closer together.

Føroyar-Hetland vísindaráðstevnurnar eru sprotnar burtur úr orðaskifti millum starvsfelagar frá INH UHI í Hetlandi og Fróðskaparsetri Føroya. Hetlendingar og føroyingar tosa ikki sama mál í dag, men gjøgnum søguna, mentanina og landafrøðiliga nærleikanum hava samfeløgini nógv í felag.

Hesar ráðstevnurnar fara at styrkja sambondini millum hesi bæði grannaoyggjasamfeløgini, og at deila serkunnleika og gransking. Vónin er, at hetta sambandið framyvir fer at elva til felags granskingarverkætlanir, ið kunnu fáa hesar báðar granskingarstovnarnar enn tættari at hvørjum øðrum

Staff Involved

Dr John Goodlad content A picture of Dr John Goodlad

Dr John Goodlad

Author of The Salt Roads: How Fish Made A Culture and The Cod Hunters.


Faroes Shetland Research Symposium - 22nd September 2023 content

Faroes Shetland Research Symposium - 22nd September 2023


  • Viveka Velupillai - Shaetlan and its status as a mixed language.
  • Mark Smith - Jakob Jakobsen’s sister, Anna Horsbøl.
  • Brian Smith – Shetlanders’ attitudes to the Faroes over the past 200 years
  • Simon Clarke – Archaeology on the Edge of Europe
  • John Goodlad - The cultural connection between the Faroese and Shetlanders during the time of the Faroe cod smacks
  • Jenny Murray – St Magnus in Shetland and Faroe Erling Isholm - Shetland as a model for Faroese modernisation
  • Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen - Consequences of purism in language in the Faroes
Islands Matter Faroes and Shetland Research Symposia - 3rd November 2023 content

Islands Matter Faroes and Shetland Research Symposia - 3rd November 2023


  • Ragnheiður Bogadóttir -  Islanding the green energy transition  
  • John Goodlad - Home rule and contemporary fisheries policy
  • Chevonne Angus – UHI Shetland Fisheries Research
  • Firouz Gaini -  Knitwear in the Faroes today 
  • Simon Clarke – Island-based Tertiary Education 
  • Erika Hayfield - Immigration and social change in the Faroe Islands 
  • Rosie Alexander – The role of career routes in island youth migration 
  • Fleur Ward – ICT Provision in the Scottish Islands 
  • Magni Laksáfoss -  Blue resource. Fisheries and aquaculture research in the Faroes
Tourism in the Islands, a presentation with multiple speakers content

Tourism in the Islands, a presentation with multiple speakers


  • Hanne Birkelund Nilsson (PhD student, Dept. of Nordic Studies & Linguistics, University of Copenhagen) 
  • Alda Magnusardóttir Egilstrøð (Development Coordinator, Visit Faroe Islands) - Tourism development in the Faroe Islands – from anonymity to global attention.
  • Esther Renwick (Historic and Environment Scotland) 
  • Steve Mathieson (Shetland Development Manager Visit Scotland) - Tourism in the Islands


FSRS The Legacy of Gudrun Sigurdardottir content

FSRS The Legacy of Gudrun Sigurdardottir


  • Andras Mortensen ​is Associate Professor of History at the Fróðskaparsetur Føroya. 
  • Brian Smith is Shetland's Archivist
Faroes & Shetland Research Symposium PhD Students Research content

Faroes & Shetland Research Symposium PhD Students Research

This first symposium of 2025 is an overview of some of the exciting PhD research being undertaken by scholars with links to the North Atlantic Islands.

  • Sissal Dahl - Who Cares? Thinking with Islands to Rethink Geographies of Care
  • Rógvi Olavson - Governance Systems and Organisation Preparedness & Resilience in Relation to the COVID19 Pandemic. The research focuses on the Faroe Islands
  • Erica Clarkson - Can Government Policies make Islanders Happier. A Comparative Study of Islands Policy in Scotland, Croatia, Finland and Ireland
  • Adele Lidderdale - The National Islands Plan: a Journey to Transformational Change for Scotland's Islands?