Research Integrity
All those engaged with research have a duty to consider how the work they undertake, host or support impacts on the research community and on wider society.
The Research Integrity Concordat has been developed by Universities UK (UUK) and provides assurances that the UK research community continues to ground its work in the highest standards of rigour and integrity. It sets out five commitments that all those involved with research should use to guide their conduct.
Commitment to the principles set out in the concordat helps demonstrate to government, business, international partners and the public that they can continue to have confidence in the research produced by the UK research community. It provides assurances of the standards expected of all stakeholders.
Our commitment to the Research Integrity Concordat
The principles of the concordat are integrated within the fabric of our research environment, committees and strategy. As part of our commitment, a high level statement on research integrity is provided to the university governing body – the University Court – which is part of an annual monitoring report which covers a variety of considerations, such as data protection, protection of vulnerable groups, public interest disclosures and fraud and irregularities. Our latest Integrity Statement is available for download as a pdf file below:
UHI Research Integrity Statement 2023
How to record an a potential breach of the principles of the concordat at UHI
As a measure of the importance of the principles of research integrity, the member of staff responsible for oversight of research integrity and the first point of contact for anyone across the UHI Partnership wanting more information on matters of research integrity at the university, is our Dean of Research and Innovation:
Professor Derek McGhee
While all communications will be dealt with in strict confidence, if you have specific concerns about the integrity of research being conducted at our university and do not want to contact Professor McGhee you can also confidentially contact the university Deputy Secretary :
Roger Sendall
The Public Interest Disclosure Policy and Procedure of the university is designed to allow employees or others associated with the university to raise, at a high level, concerns and/or disclose information which the individual believes shows malpractice. The policy sets out the process of making disclosures and how the subsequent investigations will proceed, any Research Integrity investigation will follow the process set out in this policy.