Highlands and Islands Ecosystem Meeting 25 February 2019

Programme content


11.00      Digital Health & Healthy Ageing Update             Innovate UK

11.30      A Highlands & Islands Presepective                   Prof Sandra MacRury, UHI

12.00      Next Generation Solutions for Healthy Ageing    Moira MacKenzie, DHI


Networking lunch 12.30 to 13.15

13.15      The Connectivity Challenge                               Stuart Robertson, HIE

13.35       Taking the first steps towards healthy ageing

               - the user's perpective                                     John MacDonald, SCVO

14.00     Workshop



The Connectivity Challenge

To Join the Conversation content

To Join the Conversation

The Ecosystem is now on LinkedIn and we’ve created a private Group, Connect with us through Highlands & Islands Ecosystem for Rural Mental Health & Active Healthy Ageing LinkedIn Group. 

The Group provides members the ability to opt into a social platform where they can communicate with each other. 

You must first connect with Scottish Rural Health partnership;and then using the search for groups  feature at the top of your Linkedin homepage for Highlands and Islands Ecosystem. 

Once you're a group member, you can explore the latest conversations on the conversations page, start or participate actively in conversations and comment on workshop outputs. 





Highlands and Islands Ecosystem Partners:


Highlands and Islands Enterprise logoScottish Rural Health Partnership - Education | Innovation | Research | Communities