Luchd-labhairt ùra? Gàidheil ùra? Ideòlasan cànain agus leantainneachd dhà-chànanach am measg inbhich a rinn FTMG
Dr Stuart Dunmore
This is the presentation used by Dr Stuart Dunmore at the International Congress of Celtic Studies in Glasgow. His topic was “New speakers? New Gaels?”
Luchd-labhairt ùra? Gàidheil ùra?Cleachdadh na Gàidhlig anns an roinn phoblach
Inge Birnie
Soillse Phd student Inge Birnie led a session on “Gaelic language use in the public domain” at the recent International Congress of Celtic Studies at the University of Glasgow. This is the presentation that accompanied her talk.
Gaelic-Medium Education and Language Revitalisation in Scotland: Is there bilingual life when "school is over and done with"?
Dr Stuart Dunmore
Stuart Dunmore delivered a paper on his PhD research at the second Soillse conference on 29/05/15. Here’s the presentation he used: He also made a short video in Gaelic about his involvement in the conference while he was there, mentioning some of the findings from his research:
Gaelic-Medium Education and Language Revitalisation in Scotland
Doing 'Motherese' in a Minority Language: Attempting to resist the realities of bilingualism
Dr Cassie Smith-Christmas
Soillse research fellow Cassie Smith-Christmas delivered a lecture at the First Celtic Sociolinguistics Symposium held in Dublin on 26/06/15. Here is the presentation she used.