May 2020: "Trees meet sea" (Dr Mandy Haggith)
Trees Meet Sea is a sequence of poems and visual artworks arising from a residency at Inverewe Garden, near Gairloch. It was due to form an exhibition there in spring 2020, but due to the virus it will have only a virtual existence. I am entranced by the coastal woodland habitat, the wild magic where trees come down to the shore, where the scent of honeysuckle mingles with that of seaweed, where robin song syncopates with the cries of gulls and oyster catchers. In this session I will show images and read poems from the exhibition and encourage us to explore this edgeland as a metaphor for many other boundaries: between creative practice and teaching, between art and science, between culture and nature, between work and play, between life and livelihoods or between health and hardship.
Dr Mandy Haggith, Inverness College UHI
Watch a recording of this seminar here