IDREEM (Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture


The IDREEM project; SAMS UHI has coordinated the 5.7M€ IDRREM project (Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture). This 4 year projects aims to quantify the environmental, economic and social impacts of new aquaculture production systems across Europe.  It will demonstrate the benefits of IMTA through pilot commercial-scale testing, field research and modelling. Interdisciplinary research within IDREEM will examine the obstacles and risks to the use of IMTA systems and develop tools to overcome these constraints, whether they are economic, environmental, technical, social or regulatory. The IDREEM consortium will develop tools and methods to help the European aquaculture industry adopt more environmentally and economically efficient practices using IMTA on a commercial scale.

Project website: IDREEM