Tackling Challenges Together - Finfish


Aquaculture Research and Innovation


We know you are facing some key challenges and we’d love to share with you our latest findings.

There are also opportunities where we can work together – and in some cases even access funding.

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Examples of Latest Research - Finfish


Benthic environmental DNA (eDNA) - a new, quick and cost-effective way to characterize sediments around fish farms.

Sea lice Early Life Stages (SeaLiceELS)

The SeaLiceELS project conducted by UHI represents a significant step forward in understanding the biology and behaviour of sea lice early life stages, and its implications for aquaculture.

The results and insights obtained from this research offer valuable guidance for improving fish farm management and reducing the impacts of sea lice.

Genetic monitoring for escapes from Atlantic salmon smolt cages

UHI, in partnership with MOWI Scotland, is undertaking a critical project to monitor and minimize the impacts of aquaculture escapes on local wild Atlantic salmon populations.

Through the use of genetic profiling, this initiative can detect recent escapes from freshwater smolt pens and trace them back to their source cohort.

This method also enables the identification of hybrid offspring between wild salmon and escaped aquaculture fish.

Aerial view of a fish farm

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