Understanding Environmental Change

Marine research
Marine and environmental research is the focus for the Scottish Association for Marine Science UHI (SAMS UHI) in Oban. SAMS staff are committed to increasing our knowledge and stewardship of the marine environment through research, education, maintenance of research infrastructure, knowledge exchange and enterprise. Activities encompass the entire breadth of marine science, following three major themes: Ocean Systems; Dynamic Coasts and the Blue Economy. SAMS UHI is a Collaborative Centre of the Natural Environment Research Council, hosting the Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa and the Scottish Marine Robotics Facility.
The Environmental Research Institute (ERI), based at UHI North Highland in Thurso, is involved in research to address environmental issues to advance understanding of the sustainable use of the earth's natural resources. ERI's research priorities include: renewable energy; climate change; ecology; biogeochemistry; emerging contaminants; biotechnology; and bio resources.
UHI Shetland is conducting research in fisheries and aquaculture science to contribute to the assessment, management and sustainable harvesting of important marine species, commercially important finfish and shellfish species, marine planning, policy and advice.

Environmental research
The Environmental Research Institute (ERI), based at UHI North Highland in Thurso, is involved in research to address environmental issues and advance understanding of the sustainable use of the earth's natural resources. ERI's research priorities include: Peat lands research, Water and Carbon research; flow country and water remediation; relations to climate change; ecology; biogeochemistry; emerging contaminants; biotechnology; and bio resources; renewable energy - it's impacts on the environment; Tidal resource & wave climate assessment; ecology; emerging contaminants; tidal stream monitoring and modelling; Currents, sedimentation and associated ecological change.