

All staff have a duty of care to respond appropriately to any protection concerns relating to the young people we come into contact with.

  • Staff are here to listen to any concerns that you have for yourself or a fellow student
  • Staff will not make assumptions about whether harm/abuse has taken place
  • Staff want to reassure you and will be sensitive to any anxieties you have. Staff cannot guarantee confidentiality
  • Staff will have to pass on information to the relevant Safeguarding Co-ordinator or appropriate contact and ensure that you are kept safe
  • Staff will record everything you tell them and will keep you informed of what happens at every step of the process

Collage of 2 | Student in class | Picture of the sea



Safeguarding Procedure

Safeguarding Referral Form

Students can access our Online Disclosure Tool on the Gender Based and Sexual Violence (GBV) webpage. When reporting an incident there is the option to remain anonymous, or to provide contact details for additional support.

Staff may also wish to refer to the Responding to Disclosures of Gender Based Violence Guidance, where appropriate.

Safeguarding leads at UHI content

Safeguarding leads at UHI

Safeguarding leads at UHI

You can speak to any staff member if you have any concerns. However, staff with specific responsibility for Safeguarding at our campuses, learning centres, and residencies are:

Institution/Department Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Deputies Websites
UHI Argyll Liz Richardson

Elaine Munro

Kathryn Polley

Meredyth Reynolds

Please speak to your local Student services team to find out more about Safeguarding.

UHI Inverness

Lindsay Snodgrass

Heather Keyes

Louise Martin-Theyers

Lynsey Mason

Claire Kilburn-Young

Kelly Blackmore

Craig Lowther

Iain King

Nicola Quinn

UHI Inverness Student Support services

UHI Moray Nicole Hyslop

Liz Masson

Anne Mair

Student Support - Safeguarding

UHI North, West and Hebrides

Sophie Dunnett

Anne Maree Dykes

Fiona Hamilton

Student Services - Safeguarding

UHI Orkney

Mark Shiner


Lynn Tait

Derek Aiken

Please speak to your local Student services team to find out more about Safeguarding.
UHI Perth Deborah Lally

Gerald McLaughlin

Scott Robertson

Please speak to your local Student services team to find out more about Safeguarding.
UHI Shetland

Michele Kerry

Kevin Briggs

Student Support - Safeguarding

HTC Cathy Steed

Blair Gardner

Please speak to your local Student services team to find out more about Safeguarding.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Kathryn NicAoidh

Eilidh NicPhàidein

Student Support - Safeguarding

Scottish Association for Marine Science Polly Crooks   Please speak to your local Student services team to find out more about Safeguarding.
UHI Central

Lyndsay Sutherland

Allie Scott

Kate Mawby

Lorna Ferguson


Contact or visit UHI Central Safeguarding

UHI Residencies

Tim Skyrme  

UHI Central Safeguarding


Staff members may have Safeguarding Concerns for those in their personal life, or have experienced this in the past. Supporting this area of work can also have an emotional, and potentially upsetting, impact on staff. For further support, you may wish to contact your local HR Team and/or ask about Employee Assistance Programmes, or view our collection of external specialist support lines.