Support for victims of crime
Anyone can be a victim of crime, and you may be particularly worried or feel unsure of where to turn if you have moved away from home to study. There is no ‘standard’ reaction to crime, and what seems insignificant for one person may have strong emotional, physical, financial, and social implications for another.
We also know that being a victim of crime may impact on your studies and wellbeing during your time at UHI – we will listen and we can help.
If you need emergency assistance, call 999
Some of the topics discussed in these webpages may be upsetting or potentially triggering. Please do take breaks and seek support if needed. The Mental Health Support pages may also help.
Support from UHI
Support from UHI
Our network of Student support staff are trained in listening and responding to sensitive matters, and can help you talk through your feelings and options. Wherever you may be learning, as a student of UHI we can help you to access the support you might need such as wellbeing & counselling services, study support, or financial assistance.
Contact your campus Student support team to arrange a meeting or phone call, or if you are unsure where you are enrolled email A privacy notice for contacting UHI Student Support is available.
Support from the police and justice system
Support from the police and justice system
You can report crime to Police by:
- Calling 999 in an emergency
- Calling 101 to report non-urgent concerns, or make general enquiries
- Visiting the Contact Us page and going to "Online Reporting Forms"
- Visiting your local police station
Student support teams can help you through this process.
Victim Support Scotland provides non-biased information about the process of reporting crime. They also provide services in the rest of the UK and Europe.
In Scotland, if the police investigate and find sufficient evidence the Procurator Fiscal decides if the case will go to court. We're aware that court can seem a very daunting process, and Victim Support Scotland provide specific guidance including a map to help you learn about this process, FAQs, virtual court room tours, and sometimes practical support.
Domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking and sexual harassment
Domestic abuse, sexual violence, stalking and sexual harassment
Regardless of your gender, crimes of this nature may fall under the term ‘Gender Based Violence’.
- You can visit the Gender Based Violence UHI webpages to find out more
Other support
Other support
Breathing Space Scotland
A free and confidential phoneline service for any individual, who is experiencing low mood or depression, or who is unusually worried and in need of someone to talk to.
- 0800 83 85 87 Opening hours: Monday - Thursday 6pm-2am, Friday 6pm-Monday 6am
Victim Support Scotland
The leading charity dedicated to helping people in Scotland affected by crime. They also provide services in the rest of the UK and Europe.
- 0800 160 1985 (Monday - Friday, 8am-8pm)
Citizens Advice Bureau
You can also find information about legal systems and your rights via Citizens Advice Bureau.