Mentoring: The University Mentoring Scheme Residential

This two day residential in Inverness will support and develop mentoring skills through hands on workshops with external and internal facilitators.

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TBC Inverness
Inverness Campus

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The UHI Mentoring Scheme Residential


This two day residential in Inverness will support and develop mentoring skills through hands on workshops with external and internal facilitators. Open to mentors already registered on the UHI Mentoring Scheme and those aspiring to mentor through the Scheme.

Accommodation costs will be covered and a contribution to travel (up to £100) for those travelling from outside the Inverness area will be available.

Keynote Workshop Facilitator

Mandy Dennison

Mandy Dennison

Mandy has the life experience and skill to spot the root of the problem but has the techniques to guide you to your own conclusions, empowering you to make sense of your work life balance.

Mandy is a coach, trainer, mentor and facilitator. She works with organisations and individuals to help them realise their full potential. Mandy began life as a scientist, with an interest in Neuroscience. Realising people, rather than labs, was her passion, she then moved into the Education sector, as a teacher first, rising to Senior Leader, Coach for management training and OFSTED Inspector supporting school improvement, by working with teams and individuals. This led to a shift into coaching fulltime as this was an area of particular fascination.

Mandy is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) credentialed coach at PCC (Professional Certified Coach) level. As such she works to a high ethical standard and is committed to regular CPD (Continued Professional Development). She currently sits as the Director of Engagement on the Board of the UK chapter of the ICF, as she believes in giving back and supporting others on their journey.

Mandy regularly coaches in a 1-2-1 capacity in the Neurodiversity Field, an area of real passion, where she supports those at all levels from junior employees, through to C-Suite to develop a deeper understanding of themselves. (She also delivers organisational training around this area.) She also carries out leadership coaching and personal coaching. Mandy also has experience in working with organisations to develop a “coaching culture” and to train managers and leaders into a “coaching style”.

Mandy is described by her clients as insightful, fun, provocative and warm. Her friendly and supportive style of coaching is often likened to “holistic coaching” as she creates an environment where people can bring their whole self and feel able to be truly open and honest.

Mandy lives on Skye and loves being outdoors and active!


Alex Walker

Alex Walker

Alex began to coordinate the UHI Mentoring Scheme in 2017, as well as leading the Professional Recognition mentoring strand. Alex also mentors colleagues for professional recognition and has mentored and coached colleagues at UHI. Alex’s interest in mentoring has grown with her role, recognising and seeing the benefits that mentoring can bring, including supporting the development and enhancement of practice and connecting colleagues across location, disciplines and roles. Alex was awarded ILM Level 5 Coaching and Mentoring qualification in 2023 and in 2022 completed a MEd dissertation exploring the experiences of colleagues engaged in mentoring through the UHI scheme.

Wendy Jessiman

photo of Wendy Jessiman

Wendy Jessiman is member of the Teaching and Learning Department, a Senior Lecturer in Academic Development and Innovation, and has worked at UHI since 2017 (previously Department of Nursing and Midwifery). Wendy coordinates the Learning and Teaching Enhancement strand. She has taught both undergraduate and postgraduate students, and developed and led programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Over 4 decades Wendy has published and presented (PURE), sharing her experience and supporting others to develop their careers in healthcare or in academia. Wendy recognises the role of mentoring in providing an opportunity for staff to explore avenues for both personal and professional development.


The first day of the residential will explore key mentoring competencies and provide the opportunity for participants to try different techniques in a safe and confidential space. Mandy Dennison will facilitate day two of the residential providing further hands-on activities that will deepen participants knowledge and skills around mentoring. The residential will also provide participants the chance to work through any challenges they have had in their mentoring practice with experienced colleagues and we hope will feel re-energised and enthusiastic about mentoring after the residential.

A detailed programme will be released in June.

To Book

The residential is in-person participation and colleagues must be able to commit to both days, if you would like to attend the event please register your interest by emailing

There are 15 places on the residential and colleagues must be registered and active on the UHI Mentoring Scheme.

More Information

The University Mentoring Scheme

Mentoring Code of Practice and Handbook May 2024


We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone’s needs in joining this event. If you have particular access needs please contact us at so we can work together to get you as good an experience as we can.


Please read our policy on how we treat any personal information collected in relation to our events:
Data Protection Statement for Events