LTA Connect: The Research Excellence Framework (REF) Exercise - REF 2021

In this webinar Professor Neil Simco focused on the current UK wide Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise, known as REF 2021.

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Prof Neil Simco

Professor Neil Simco
Assistant Principal for Curriculum Growth and Acting Vice-Principal (Research), BEd (Hons), PhD

Professor Neil Simco has corporate responsibility for higher education curriculum growth across the university and in addition to this function, he is currently acting Vice-Principal (Research) holding leadership responsibility for the oversight of research activity. This involves curriculum strategy, quality assurance and enhancement and the development of research-teaching linkages.

Prior to joining the university, Neil was dean of education and dean for research at the University of Cumbria, where he led the largest provider of teacher education in England. Neil was seconded from his faculty role to assistant principal at St Martin’s College and subsequently pro-vice chancellor at the University of Cumbria and during this time played a significant corporate role in the formation of the then new university.  Since joining the University of the Highlands and Islands, he has continued his professional involvement in teacher education through his close engagement with the General Teaching Council for Scotland and is delighted that since 2013 we have been a teacher education institution.

Neil began his career as a primary school teacher in schools in the north west and south west of England. He moved into teacher education in the early 1990s, where he worked in various lecturing posts in education prior to becoming dean of faculty in 2002.


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