LTA Connect: Critical pedagogy and careers education

Presented by Rosie Alexander this webinar will consider contemporary approaches to careers and employability education and guidance which are informed by a concern with social justice. The emphasis in these approaches is on models of education which help students to consider, and critique, the graduate labour market.

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A growing body of literature has been concerned with issues of stagnating social mobility in the British workplace, and issues of social inequalities in access to graduate employment. In addition concern with ‘McJobs’ and the gig economy has raised questions about what kind of work we are preparing students to enter, and the ethics of employability discourses which focus on an individual’s skills and attributes which may overlook consideration of wider structural forces.


How can educators and careers professionals work ethically in this context? Alongside assisting students to develop their individual interests, skills and attributes, is there a role for helping students to engage critically with the environments they expect to enter? How might our practice risk upholding injustice in the working world, and how far can we help to challenge this?


This webinar sought to identify some answers, to these challenging questions. In particular the webinar considered contemporary approaches to careers and employability education and guidance which are informed by a concern with social justice. The emphasis in these approaches is on models of education which help students to consider, and critique, the graduate labour market.


Rosie Alexander

Rosie Alexander joined the LTA as Senior Lecturer (Research) in Spring 2019. Rosie’s research focuses on careers and employability education, as well as careers guidance. She specialises in the role of geographical space in education and employment pathways, andpolicy and practice responses to this. Rosie’s interests particularly lie in island locations and small states, as well as issues of social andspatial justice. She is looking forward to taking these areas of research forward within her role at the LTA, as part of our work for the Research Excellence Framework (REF). You can find out more about Rosie and contact her via her page on PURE.

Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy Value

Learning for employment

The UK Professional Standards Framework

By applying the learning from attending this webinar to professional practice, it could support evidence in the following areas of the UK Professional Standards Framework for those seeking Higher Education Academy (HEA) Recognition.

V4 Acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice

To Book

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We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone’s needs in joining this event.  If you have particular access needs please contact us at so we can work together to get you as good an experience as we can.


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