LTA Connect: Condensed learning diaries for reflective development
Dr Rob Bray from Argyll College UHI introduces a new approach to learning diaries which is less time consuming for students, and engages them in the valuable activity of reflective learning
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Presentation Slides | Presentation Recording (UHI login required)
Session Outline
Learning diaries have been used extensively in professional development within tertiary education using various formats. However, existing diary approaches have significant drawbacks in that they are time-consuming and often unstructured, becoming exercises primarily in writing rather than reflection. This webinar introduces an approach (the Summarised Reflective Record (SRR)) that provides a highly structured format, based on David Kolb’s experiential theory of learning, where entries are developed more spontaneously in a highly condensed format, requiring far less time commitment.
Participants will be presented with a short review of the theory behind reflective learning and the use of diaries and will then then have the opportunity to evaluate and comment on the innovative Reflective Record. Finally, there will be an opportunity to discuss a small-scale evaluative research project and possible future developments, such as the developments of a Reflective App. This session will be of value to anyone interested in Reflective Learning and to those looking for effective, time-efficient tools for recording our reflections.
Presenter Bio
Dr Rob Bray originally trained as an Occupational Psychologist and then taught Undergraduate Psychology before developing Widening Access courses for those without the usual the usual qualifications to enter Higher Education. After a mid-life career change, I undertook doctoral research in Environmental Studies, while teaching post-graduate and post-doctoral students, before redundancy and work as an Adult Education tutor. I have worked as a Tutor at Argyll College, University of Highlands and Islands, since 2019. My current research interests focus on Reflective Practice and Critical Reflection in Education.
Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy Values
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The UK Professional Standards Framework
A2. Teach and/or support learning
A3. Assess and give feedback to learners
A4. Develop effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
K2. Appropriate methods for teaching, learning and assessing in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme
K3. How students learn, both generally and within their subject/disciplinary area(s)
K4. The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
V1. Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V3. Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development
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