LTA Connect: Wikimedia in Education - Write it, don’t Cite it

This session with Dr Sara Thomas, Scotland Programme Coordinator, Wikimedia UK argues for the positive role that Wikipedia can play in the classroom, particularly for increasing digital, data and information literacy.

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Session Outline

With the recent appointment of a Wikimedian in Residence at Coventry University, and the University of Edinburgh Residency now passing the four year mark - and becoming a permanent position - in addition to the many courses run at various Universities across the UK and beyond, it’s clear that an increasing number of institutions are realising the benefits for both students and the University of engaging with Wikimedia.


Wikimedia UK works with a number of educational institutions across the UK to support the use of the Wikimedia projects in learning. Students might write, improve or translate Wikipedia articles, produce collaborative texts on Wikibooks, or work on real-life data sets in Wikidata. The session will have a particular focus on the use of Wikipedia in the classroom, and will offer practical guidance on how to get involved.


Research has shown that the inclusion of a Wikipedia element in a course increases student motivation to complete the piece of work, and the feedback received from students by Wikimedia UK is positive in terms of student experience. By integrating a Wikipedia element into a course, students are not only given the opportunity to contribute to open knowledge and see impact from their work beyond the classroom, but to learn to work collaboratively (with each other, and with a worldwide community of Wikipedia volunteers), as well as learning key research skills, information synthesis, and writing for a public audience.


The session is aimed particularly at those with an interest in open education, innovative learning approaches and digital learning.

Presenter Bio

 Sara Thomas Headshot

Dr Sara Thomas took up the new role of Scotland Programme Coordinator at Wikimedia UK in 2018, where she works to engage the Wikimedia community and develop partnerships with a range of cultural and educational institutions, including supporting Wikimedians in Residence, and advocating for open knowledge.  Prior to this she was Wikimedian in Residence at both the Scottish Library and Information Council and Museums Galleries Scotland.  She has a background in events and volunteer management, digital training, and fundraising.  She co-founded BOOM! Community Arts, and lives in Glasgow with her partner and their cat.

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