Educational Leadership Symposium
Following the success of the inaugural leadership symposium in 2020, the focus of the LTA's second educational leadership symposium 2021 is on educational leadership in times of change. Welcome, introductions and aims of the symposium will be facilitated by Ann Tilbury and Scott Connor from the Learning and Teaching Academy, UHI and we are also delighted to welcome two external experts to the symposium. The morning session will be facilitated by Catriona Bell, from Advance HE and the afternoon session will be facilitated by Valerie Jackman from College Development Network (CDN).
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For colleagues from across the university research, professional services and academic roles, the symposium will explore and identify strategies to build leadership awareness, capabilities, and confidence in times of change.
Event Resources
Catriona Bell
Catriona joined Advance HE in Feb 2019 as Head of Membership for Scotland and Senior Advisor in Learning and Teaching. She has gained the highest level of professional recognition for learning and teaching, becoming a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) in 2015 and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF) in 2018, the first year that the NTF scheme ran in Scotland.
She has particular expertise in cross-disciplinary academic development and veterinary/medical education within Higher Education, and her key areas of interest include Leadership of Learning and Teaching (particularly around Empowering Programme Leaders), and championing Students as Partners approaches in curricula.
She draws from more than 20 years of experience working as an academic within two Russell Group universities in Scotland, latterly as a Reader in Veterinary Education. Catriona is also a qualified veterinary surgeon who lives in East Lothian and enjoys wildlife watching (both at home and abroad) in her spare time.
Catriona will focus on leadership as ‘influencing without authority. Through a series of short individual and small group activities, she will facilitate participants to explore their spheres of influence and identify opportunities as part of their leadership journeys.
Valerie Jackman
Valerie Jackman is the Lead for Leadership and Governance at College Development Network and works as an independent Executive Coach. A lecturer in leadership since 2005, she is an experienced educator, skilled facilitator, and creative catalyst. Valerie has studied and worked with international thought leaders including Otto Scharmer, Margaret Wheatley, Nora Bateson, and the International Futures Forum, she is a Fellow of CMI, and an Academic Associate of CIPD.
Valerie will start by introducing ‘Three Horizons’, a change model co-created by Bill Sharpe and the International Futures Forum. She will use the model to help participants better understand their current system, how it is sustained, which elements are no longer fit for purpose, and which elements are valuable and worth keeping. She will facilitate participants to consider the future they want to see and identify some of the ‘seeds’ of that future that are already at play around them. This will enable them to explore the tensions between the current and the future system so that they can start to bring about change.
Getting involved
If you would like to be involved in co-designing the programme please get in touch to discuss
Early bird booking is available via Eventbrite.
We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we have met everyone's needs in joining this session. If you have particular webinar access needs please email so that we can work together to ensure the best experience.
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