LTA Connect: Studio Pedagogy

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The studio is a place of both practice and pedagogy: for thousands of years, students have learned in studios and gone on to become practitioners, and then the educators of the next generation. In the contemporary university, this model is poorly understood beyond those who know it through experience, meaning it often comes under threat as institutions face ongoing resourcing pressures.  

Studio offers significant pedagogical opportunities beyond its traditional physical definition. As a concept, properties of studio can be applied across different areas of learning and teaching. As a pedagogy, it can be applied using different modes, such as online and distance education. 

The Studio Properties project aims to make studio pedagogy more accessible to educators. This presentation will outline some of the work carried out to date and introduce ways participants can consider studio in their teaching practices.

Presenter Biography

Derek Jones is a Senior Lecturer in Design at The Open University (UK) and part of the OU Design Group, where he is co-leading developing the new Bachelor of Design qualification. Derek is a National Teaching Fellow and has experience in developing online learning designs, technologies, and environments for design education. His main research interests are: the pedagogy of design and creativity, embodied cognition in physical and virtual environments, and theories of design knowledge. Derek is the Convenor of the Design Research Society’s Education special interest group and a qualified architect with 15 years of experience in the construction design and procurement industries.

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