Celebrating Pride Month

Pride Month is celebrated every June to honour and raise awareness of the impact the LGBT+ community has had in the world.

For many people, going to university or college is often the first place where they can be themselves and we are committed to promoting inclusion and equality among our students, staff, and the wider community.

HISA Pride Student Network

Your Students’ Association host the Pride Student Network which is open to all UHI LGBT+ students across our partnership. The network uses Discord as an online base, and allies are also welcome to join in order to better support their peers. More info >

Inclusive campuses

We understand how important a welcoming environment is for academic and personal growth, and we strive to ensure that every student, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, feels at home at UHI Moray.

  • In February 2024, we signed up to the Scottish LGBTI+ Rainbow Mark to show our commitment to ensuring our campuses are inclusive spaces for LGBT+ people
  • Gender-neutral toilet facilities >
    • Moray Street Campus: Within Moray School of Art beside the outer gallery/room A10
    • Linkwood Technology Centre: Non-gendered disabled toilets are available for non-binary, trans or genderfluid students, staff and visitors
    • Horticulture facility at Biblical Garden: All toilets are gender-neutral
  • Our Active Campus Co-ordinator, Jack, runs inclusive and accessible activities on campus throughout the year. This has included Football vs Homophobia matches and a LGBT+ History Month sports day. Find out more about campus and student life >
  • All UHI Moray staff are required to complete equality and diversity training with further training opportunities available twice a year at Staff Development Days

Photograph of a progress pride flag being displayed at UHI Moray's Linkwood Technology Centre campus

Pride in Moray

Did you know that Moray was one of the last regions in Scotland to hold a Pride event? Luckily in 2022 Pride in Moray was created by a team of volunteers who are passionate about LGBT+ visibility in our area.

UHI Moray has attended all Pride in Moray parades and are excited for the 2024 event on Saturday 7th September in Forres. If you would like to join us to represent UHI Moray during the parade, get in touch on marketing.moray@uhi.ac.uk, we’d love to have you!

“In a report from the Time for Inclusive Education campaign they found that young LGBT+ people in Moray felt unseen and alone. Many want to leave the area to be their authentic self and many feel rural isolation has impacted on their mental health as they can't come out over fear of rejection.” – Pride in Moray

A photograph of UHI Moray staff and students at the Pride in Moray 2023 parade, they are holding a banner that says

Being an ally

Creating an inclusive environment is a collective effort. We encourage everyone to be active allies; this means educating yourself on LGBT+ issues, standing up against discrimination, and supporting your peers, not just during Pride Month but all year round. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our campuses are a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for everyone.

Resources and support

We have a range of resources designed to support LGBT+ students and staff:

We are always open to hearing your thoughts on feedback on what we could do better.

If you are planning any events, online or in person, for Pride Month please get in touch on marketing.moray@uhi.ac.uk or via our social media with details and we’ll share it on our social media channels.