Musical Theatre students find Fame

UHI Perth Musical and Technical Theatre and Theatre Industry Practice students are busy preparing and rehearsing for their next two productions in the Goodlyburn Theatre on the college’s Crieff Road campus.

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The Fame cast in rehearsal

Fame, detailing the pop-culture phenomenon about the legendary New York High School of the Performing Arts runs from Thu 28 - Sat 30 March.

The show follows the final class of New York City's celebrated High School for the Performing Arts from their admission in 1980 to their graduation in 1984. All of the struggles, fears, and triumphs - from prejudice to substance abuse are depicted with razor-sharp focus as the young artists navigate the worlds of music, drama, and dance.

Bonnie and Clyde depicts America's most notorious lovers and bank robbers and runs from Thu 25 - Sat 27 April. The story follows two small-town nobodies in West Texas to America's most renowned folk heroes and the Texas law enforcement's worst nightmares.

Victoria-Lee Rice, UHI Perth Course Leader Musical Director explained: “Fame is an international sensation that continues to reach new generations of performers and audience members. Bonnie and Clyde is a thrilling and sexy musical with a non-traditional score, combining blues, gospel and rockabilly music. We are really looking forward to the performances!”