Two more titles in our series of free public online seminars
A Norse theme to our next two seminars
Institute for Northern Studies are proud to present a further two titles in the series of online public seminars led by some of our Visiting Staff. The seminars are open to everyone, free to access.
Wednesday 9th September, 2pm
The role of the Jarlshof Site in Norse Archaeology
Dr Colleen Batey, INS Visiting Reader, looks at Jarlshof - the most famous site in Scotland for the Viking and Late Norse period, located at the southern tip of Shetland.
Wednesday 7th October, 2pm
Children of Ash and Elm: a new look at the Vikings
Prof Neil Price, INS Visiting Professor, discusses how the Vikings have largely been seen through the eyes of others (often their victims), or distorted to suit the tastes of later times. In the process, much of the subtlety, the richness and sophistication of their culture has been lost. He attempts to tell the story of the Vikings on their own terms, from the inside looking out.
More information on the seminars.
Often our seminars are recorded and can be viewed later on this website.