Postgraduate Research


Staff are always happy to hear from our PGR students, contact the team via email: 


The Graduate School provides support for all research degree students and everyone involved in the postgraduate research journey, including supervisors, examiners and colleagues across the UHI network.

Our key aim is to enhance the research student experience and we seek to create a vibrant postgraduate community and develop a strong research culture in which students can flourish and interact with the wider UK and international academic community.

Other responsibilities include:

  • Setting out a code of practice for standards and expectations for research degrees
  • Ensuring that these standards and expectations are met
  • Providing funding to support research student activities such as conference and workshop attendance
  • Acting on student feedback provided by the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES).

Personal and professional development plays an important part in enabling researchers to reach their full potential. We offer training opportunities for postgraduate research students to help their research degree experience, brush up on essential skills, and to interact and socialise with other students from across the network.

The annual postgraduate student research conference – and the biennial staff/student conference – are important events for research students. Hosted by a different Academic Partner from within the UHI network, all students are invited to attend to share experiences, communicate their work through presentations and posters, learn new skills, and importantly to spend time with other UHI researchers, students and staff.

In addition, there is access to training and events run by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities, the Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences and the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland.

The Graduate School team content

The Graduate School team

The Graduate School team

Graduate School Manager - Jackie Deacon. Jackie manages the day-to-day work of the Graduate School which covers all areas of postgraduate research student administration, development, policy, and regulation.

Graduate School Programme Officer (Registry) - Janis Mackay. Janis is responsible for postgraduate research student data management and administration in the Graduate School, working closely with students and their supervisors to support postgraduate research studies from application to completion.

Graduate School Programme Officer (Training) - Caitlin Crawford. Caitlin is responsible for developing and maintaining the Graduate School’s portfolio of training and development opportunities for research students and supervisors and managing the administrative duties relating to research student progression. Also oversees the development and organisation of the annual UHI Research Student Conference and jointly organises the biennial UHI Research Staff and Student Conference.

Graduate School Administrative Officer - Gillian Adamiec. Gillian provides support to Jackie, Janis, and Caitlin, assisting with core activities and managing the administration of the Higher Doctorate degree.

Contact us all at:

Supervisor and staff area on SharePoint content

Supervisor and staff area on SharePoint

Supervisor and staff area on SharePoint

The UHI Graduate School’s SharePoint pages are now available for research student supervisors and staff looking for more information about the postgraduate research provision. The Code of Practice for Research Degrees and the Postgraduate Research area on Brightspace remain the go-to places for staff/student procedural guidance and forms, with the content of this new site providing complementary information, templates and checklists to assist with, for example, candidate interviews and new research student local inductions.

We hope you find the resources useful – if you have any comments or queries, please contact

Supervisors area on Sharepoint (university sign-on required)

Student area on Brightspace (university sign-on required)

PGR Code of Practice