Current Energy Projects


Windswept is part of a two-year Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) project aimed at adopting sustainable energy and waste management technologies for the microbrewery sector. This project is run in partnership with The University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) through her partners – UHI Moray, Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Institute of Northern Studies (INS) and the North of Scotland KTP Centre. It is funded by Innovate UK.

PELAgIO will support the development of evidence-based policy and marine management through interdisciplinary research that explores the consequences of offshore wind development on marine environments, marine wildlife, and wider ecosystem structures. By observing and modelling over a large range of physical and biological scales, using a combination of autonomous platforms and ocean robots, research vessels and satellite observations, PELAgIO will build an ecosystem-level understanding of projected changes.

SATE 2 builds on phase one which created the UK’s first low-carbon aviation test centre embedded at a commercial airport. UHI continues its involvement, as a project partner, in developing a UK centre of excellence for sustainable regional aviation. SATE 2 also aims to establish an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hub-and-spoke delivery network, and will conduct demonstration flights of technologies including a hydrogen-electric regional aircraft and a drone flight from Scotland to Norway.


PREDICT will address knowledge gaps in offshore wind environmental characterisation, by improving the understanding of fish migration patterns and providing a vision for next-generation monitoring techniques.

ROBINSON aims to develop an integrated energy system to help decarbonise industrialised islands. The project will develop and deploy an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system that will optimise the use of local renewable energy sources.

IFLOW will design and utilise a range of data-collection methodologies including active acoustics (echosounders), ADCPs and passive acoustics (hydrophones) to investigate the distribution and behaviour of fish and marine mammals around floating structures.