Maritime skills taster session

Come along to our Dunoon centre for a hands-on maritime chartwork taster session.

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UHI Argyll, Dunoon
UHI Argyll
West Bay
PA23 7HP

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tel: 0345 230 9969

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A map and compass with information session layered over

This workshop is a taster session for our Maritime Skills course starting this August.

Ever wondered how mariners navigate and find their way across the vast ocean? Join us at our Dunoon centre for a hands-on session in basic chartwork!

What to expect:

  • Introduction to chartwork: Learn the fundamentals of reading and interpreting nautical charts.
  • Practical exercises: Learn how to plot courses and understand navigational symbols.
  • Expert guidance: Receive instructions from experienced maritime professionals.
  • Q&A: There will be plenty of time to ask any questions about our Maritime Skills course and the many opportunities and career paths available when working at sea.

This taster session is the perfect opportunity to see if a career at sea is right for you. Plus, it's a great way to prepare for our NQ Maritime Skills Level 5 course starting in August.


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