

The UHI ServiceDesk is the University of the Highland and Islands central IT ServiceDesk available to all university students and staff. We provide 1st line support for queries and faults on service maintained by IT and Digital Infrastructure (ITDI) as well as passing calls to local academic partner teams and 3rd party suppliers.

What we do

The ServiceDesk provided by UHI is here to help students and staff to make the best of the technical resources available to you. We will help with ICT difficulties or faults which may arise in a timely manner, to reduce the disruption to you. We will analyse the requests received to help improve the service we offer and to shape future technology plans.

Our commitment to you

  • we will always answer your call or email as quickly as we can
  • we will provide friendly service at all times and treat you with respect
  • we will aim to resolve your issue first time if possible
  • we will pass your request to the correct specialist or local ICT team if the ServiceDesk cannot resolve the call
  • we will keep you updated through the calls created so you know what progress has been made
  • we will analyse calls created to identify and resolve recurring problems
  • we will accurately make note of the details of your problem and refer to any history if required

The ServiceDesk team is your first point of contact and they will know who to pass your request to if it cannot be resolved first time. The university has a full team of technology specialists to deal with more in-depth problems. We also work with external service providers to maintain some of our services to you.

Follow us on Twitter @uhiservicedesk for the latest updates on our services.

The ServiceDesk can be contacted as per below.

  • Core Hours Support - Monday to Friday- 09:00 to 17:00
  • We aim to offer Out of Hours support from 17:00 to 20:00 Monday to Thursday and 12:00 to 16:00 Saturday & Sunday.

UHI ServiceDesk Chat

The ServiceDesk Live Chat provides our Student and Applicants with support with various queries and issues. Where the ServiceDesk is unable to support or advise, we will log a call or direct you to the relevant team. When out of hours, you will be greeted by our Chatbot who can provide you with guidance.

Self-Service portal (SSP)

The UniDesk SSP is the primary ticket logging service for Staff and Students to log and issue or query. Tickets logged will be assigned to the relevant support team to ensure a quick and effective resolution. Guidance on how to log a ticket, please see out Logging a ticket page.

Alternative methods to contact the UHI ServiceDesk:


ICT Help Desks at Academic Partner

Most Colleges within UHI also have local ICT Help Desks to provide on-site support. Please check with your local college for details of your local ICT Team. See Campus contact details.

Remote Assistance content

Remote Assistance

Remote Assistance

What is remote assistance?

This service allows the UHI Servicedesk team to connect directly to your computer to provide real time help with problems you might be experiencing. The team can view and control your desktop once connected. Files can also be transferred to your computer.

The Servicedesk will use different services to connect to your device:

  • Microsoft Quick Assist is the most commonly used tool, which comes pre-installed on any Windows 10/11 device.
  • Direct remote support is done to connect to our corporate devices which provides us with admin rights to the machine to make amendments if need be.
  • Libchat is our online chat service which has a built in remote support tool.

Before you call UHI Servicedesk

  • Your Microsoft device must be running Microsoft Windows 10 or later 
  • Your Mac device must be running Mac OS 11 or later
  • You will need a phone with you at the computer you are working at
  • Your computer must have a working network or broadband connection to the Internet
  • Close all sensitive or confidential documents before the session starts
Feedback content




Feedback on your experience

How was your experience with our Servicedesk team? Do you want to pass on positive comments or do you have a suggestion for improvement. No matter what you want to tell us, if it is the UHI Servicedesk or the Out of Hours Servicedesk, then let us know.

How do I give LIS feedback?

We like to hear from you when things go well and also when things don't go so well.

If you call UHI servicedesk or create a call with us, a link is sent to you in the call closure email which takes you to our LIS and ICT Survey. We look at all the feedback we receive to see if there are areas we can improve to deliver a better service.  There is a survey link contained with the closure tickets sent to you when a ticket is closed. The survey is quick and easy to complete plus we enter every response into a montlhy prize draw.

You can also drop us an email if you wish to provide us with feedback on any of the services provided by LIS. If your feedback relates to a specific ticket, please detail this in the email. A member of the customer service team will respond within 2 weeks by email or phone if you prefer to discuss the problem. Feedback can also be escalated to the customer service manager if you require further information or need to escalate a problem.