

Your privacy when dealing with IT and Digital Infrastructure (ITDI)

  • Information held in our call logging system is defined as personal data by the Data protection Act 1998 
  • Information is held of the details of every request made to any UHI ServiceDesk. This includes any email correspondence sent to or from UHI in relation to the request.

How we use this information

  • To track request progress and monitor the time taken to deal with it.
  • Produce monthly statistics which are published by UHI for management and policy development purposes. These statistics will never include any personal data and are used solely to establish trends and fault analysis.
  • Detailed solutions held within a closed request may be re-used for subsequent repeat requests but all personal data from the original request will have been removed.

Who uses this information?

  • This information may be shared when necessary and to facilitate members of staff within ITDI to deal with requests made to UHI Servicedesk.
  • It may also be shared with Academic partners within UHI at a departmental or local ICT team level to deal with a request which has been made.
  • Data may also be shared where appropriate in circumstances, such as if a customer has already involved a 3rd party with the request initially.
  • Access to information held within the database is restricted to staff within ITDI and UHI Academic Partners who also use the Unidesk system.

If the information is incorrect

  • If it becomes apparent that information held is inaccurate, it can be corrected by emailing
  • Any data changes made may be time stamped and held in a log of information recorded. This is not to show that data is necessarily inaccurate, but corrections have been made as per user request.

Further Information

Further information can be found in the Freedom of Information pages.