Dr Anne Frater
UHI North, West and Hebrides
Email: anne.frater@uhi.ac.uk
From the Point district of Lewis. Having completed an M.A then a Ph.D at Glasgow University, I worked in the media in various guises from researcher to subtitler to scriptwriter before taking up a post at Lews Castle College.
Doctoral thesis was on Scottish Gaelic women’s Poetry up to 1750. Research since then has mainly been focused on literature, with the odd bit of social history thrown in.
Research: Mairearad Cò? Gairm 171, Summer 1995.
Bàs Iain Ghairbh Mac Gillechaluim Ratharsair ann an 1671 Gairm 176, Autumn 1996.
Contributed to the following publications:
A History of Scottish Women’s Writing - eds. Douglas Gifford & Dorothy Macmillan, Edinburgh 1997
Women in Scotland - eds. Elizabeth Ewan & Maureen Meikle, Tuckwell Press, East Linton 1999
The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women – eds. Elizabeth Ewan, Sue Innes & Sian Reynolds, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2007
Edinburgh Companion to Scottish Women’s Writing – ed. Glenda Norquay. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh 2012
Children and Youth in Premodern Scotland – Ed. Elizabeth Ewan and Janay Nugent. Boydell & Brewer, Suffolk 2014
Litreachas: Sgilean Sgrùdaidh [Gaelic-medium] Literature course
Bàrdachd bho 1900 [Gaelic-medium] Modern Gaelic poetry
Feallsanachd Eòrpach [Gaelic-medium] European Philosophy, with a wee wander down a Celtic side-road
Bàrdachd 1600-1900 [Gaelic-medium] older poetry
Introduction to Gaelic Prose - what it says on the tin
Introduction to Gaelic Poetry - what it says on the tin, only this tin is a bit bigger…
Foillseachadh is Craoladh [Gaelic-medium] Media studies-ish
Sgoilearachd is Eilthireachd nan Gàidheal [Gaelic-medium] How the Gaels saved Europe from barbarism and tyranny.
Cànan, Cultar is Cinnidheachd [Gaelic-medium] Minority languages and language revitalisation
An Sgeulachd Ghoirid [Gaelic-medium] The modern Gaelic short story
Rosg Gàidhlig [Gaelic-medium] The Gaelic prose that’s left when you take out the short story.
Eachdraidh agus Leasachadh a’ Chànain [Gaelic-medium] Every version of the Gaelic catechism ever printed (and some other stuff besides)
Gaoir nam Ban – Gaelic women’s poetry, mainly of the period 1644-1746.
Additional Activities:
Member of UHI Gaelic committee and various LCC committees.
Poetry has been published in the collections Fon t-Slige (1995) and Cridhe Creige (2017); also a contributor to An Aghaidh na Sìorraidheachd (1991); An Tuil (1999) and various other anthologies.