Student life: accommodation, funding and more

Accomodation content Two students walking outside student accommodation


We offer purpose-built student accommodation featuring en-suite single bedrooms, with shared kitchen and living areas, or studios with in-room cooking facilities. 

Careers and employability content Two people shaking hands

Careers and employability

We offer Graduate for Life careers advice and support services, access to placement and work experience opportunities and academic learning focused on employability. 

Funding and fees content Woman looking at her phone

Funding and fees

All you need to know about financing your studies. UHI offer scholarships, discretionary funds and bursaries to our students throughout the academic year.

Student life content Students in a kayak

Student life

Find out what's happening on campus, off campus, up a mountain, performing at music festivals or canoeing to class! Get involved at UHI's student association, explore sport at UHI or take part in volunteering.

Student support content A student sitting on a sofa

Student support

We pride ourselves on putting students at the heart of everything we do. You will be supported throughout your studies by approachable expert staff, whether you choose to study on campus or online.

Visit us content Students walking outside

Visit us

Join us at an open day to find out about courses we offer and to visit our campuses. You will find out about student life at UHI, get help with your application, and learn about funding and support.